Current Track: Strangeclass, from Emily the Strange: Strangerous (2010)


Red scrolling text in a bloody font that says 'KILL THIS FREAK.'

Call me Laz. I'm in my early 20s, a queer, and a dweeb. I'm cool with any pronouns, but use mascilne honorifics (Mr., Sir, ボク, etc. etc.).

This is the about page, which prominently fetures a blog (to the right). Click the links below to check out some more personal stuff.


Here's some more info about myself, MySpace style:

A red divider bar that looks like cartoonish dripping blood.

Laz's Intrests

General: Art, Politics, the Interent, Travel, History. Probably some other stuff.

Music: Metal, New Wave, Folk- all types, really. Check out my Spotify for some playlists.

Movies: Horror, comedy, and the overly artistic, mostly. My Letterboxed account is pretty up-to-date.

Television: I don't watch much televison, and the TV I do watch is usually pretty old (ie. Granada Sherlock Holmes, Columbo, Laverne & Shirley, etc.). I saw some of Netflix's Sweet Tooth recently. It was very charming.

YouTube: I use YT essays as background noise, and recently I've been watching a lot of Shanspeare.

Books: I can't focus on books, recently.

Heros: Not sure. Leslie Fish? Idk what she's doing recently, but she (was) an anarchist bisexual filk artist who, last I read, was spending her retirment trying to breed cats for hyperintelegence.

Check out my Shrine page to see more crap I like.

A red divider bar that looks like cartoonish dripping blood.

Laz's Details

Satus: Single

Here for: The Hell of it

Home State: Michigan

Ethnicity: White

Smoke / Weed / Drink: N / Y / Y

Education: Currently in undergrad.

Occupation: Food prep and service.

Return Home

A flashing red and yellow gif that says, 'DANGER. SCAM. LIAR.'

Entry #2


I haven't worked on the site in a while, but I actually planned around that- I knew I wouldn't always have the energy, so my Plan accounts for it. I'm only mentioning it because I feel pretty clever for working around my own brain like that.

Started my day at noon w/ Adderall and coffee so you know I'm living the dream. I didn't have any obligations today so it's fine.

Entry #1


This is my first ever blog entry on this site! Very exciting.

Today, I've put in a few hours on this site, getting this About page together. It's gone well so far, though I am not satisfied with the background image I'm currently using, among other factors of the sites... aesthetics/atmosphere. Better this page gets sufficently complete, rather than I wait for perfection, though. Picking the right videogame music for each page is about as time consuming as creating tracks from scratch, honestly- and I'm still not sure I like this choice...

When I'm done here (soon), I'll clean my room, and help some family with chores. Today will likely be uneventful, which is ok. :]

A doodle of myself made in MS Paint. It's a smiling stick figure with shoulderlength black hair, and red eyes.

Here's a doodle I made of myself in MS Paint. I made it to use as this page's main profile pic, but I decided against that. I'll find a good pfp eventually.

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